In line with the targets of Arslan Kalıp Makine manufacturing aluminum injected parts in automotive and industrial sectors, together with the importance we attach for ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 Management Systems, we prioritize: 

  • Assuring Environmental Safety
  • Primarily assuring environmental safety in each activity, 
  • Detecting all environmental effects of all activities occuring in our workplace, preventing the contamination resulting from the risks which are detected or minimizing and assuring the protection of environment,
  • Allocating resources regarding the protection and improvement of environment, performing studies enhancing performance by utilising scientific and technological progresses, 
  • Conforming with all the legal and other specifications precisely yerine Fully comply with environmental and other legal requirement,
  • Creating continuous educational opportunities so that the environmental awareness is raised in the organisation, 
  • Assuring that our employees possess the necessary awareness required to protect the environment, 
  • Consideration of the environmental views of the companies during the selection of suppliers; building an open, active and productive collaboration with our suppliers in the framework of our environmental views and support for environmental awareness development of these companies,
  • Assuring the improvement of our organizational environmental management system by scrutinizing regularly, 
  • Our policy is  reducing the usage of natural resources, preventing contamination, disposing the wastes in a convenient manner and supporting productive energy consumption by possessing the environmental awareness,
  • Pursueing progresses in the technolgy and methods related to HSE issues in our sector across the world and assuring its adaptation to our organisation,
  • Setting up ISO 45001 Occupational Safety Management System, assuring its implementation and providing continuous improvement, 
  • Preventing injuries and diseases stemming from workplace by prioritizing the worker’s health and occupational safety,
  • Assuring the compliance to prevailing regulations and other specifications,
  • Taking all necessary precautions and assuring absolute protection and performing studies to bring under control before time; all the accidents, losses and menaces regarding our employees, the employees of our suppliers and individuals which can  be influenced by our activities,
  • Assuring continuous improvement of our occupational safety management system by scrutinizing it time after time, 
  • Assuring the interrogation and participation of our employees, 
  • Improving HSE awareness of our employees by trainees and converting HSE management system mindset, to a philosophy of life, 

Arslan Metal is committed to the implementation of these policy clauses and to achieve all objectives and objectives.